child at my table.
come color
fill the picture in
with the shades that
flatter you.
flatter. flatter.
because one day,
my sweet child,
you will be told one day
that you are not allowed
to grow bolder and better.
not allowed to get fatter.
so come here child,
take a seat.
don’t you worry.
i’ll get you a bite to ear.
no, no.
please. i insist.
i insist you sit,
let me fill you
with warm food.
give your weary heart
a chance to get
back in rhythm
with it’s honest beat.
it can change your whole attitude, you know.
‘what can?’
sitting at this table, child.
sitting at an alter and preparing to be fed.
trust this. trust me.
you will always have a seat at my table.
keep coming back.
keep letting your self dream,
keep filling your world with color.
keep eating.
it will take you further
than you ever imagined
you were able.
yes, yes.
remember your seat at my table.