I know what it’s like to want to kill yourself.
Not to think about it passively but to actively work through what it would be like — and even take the action — to end your life.
I understand the sensation of the pills rolling in your hand. Of pressing on the gas just a little harder to run your car into a ditch. I’ve looked at guns and there is a piece of my brain that has wondered, whispered— more than once — what it would be life to pull the trigger and end it all.
I know what it’s like to want it to end — immediately. All of it. The pain. The humiliation. The confusion. The deep sadness of your humanity and the utter exhaustion of carrying around this soul that doesn’t seem to want to let you live.
I understand it intimately.
It’s why I want you to stay.
Yeah. You. The one who is thinking about wrapping a rope around your neck. The one who is thinking about taking enough pills to stop the pain and put you to sleep. The one who is running your fingers over the smooth metal of the gun.
Because there is a world out there who needs your light. A world who needs your heart and your soul and the way you dance through this life. A world who deeply, desperately needs you to hold on. To keep going.
I’ll walk with you when you feel alone. Because I can guarantee we’re not ready for you to go.
**If you are contemplating suicide, please reach out. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of over 160 crisis centers that provides 24/7 service via a toll-free hotline with the number 1–800–273–8255. It is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.